August 23, 2019

Nearly 200 Volunteers Make 6ͼ's Day of Service a Rousing Success

Day of Service

Nearly 200 6ͼ students, faculty, staff, trustees, Women’s Committee and audience members dug deep into the soil at the 6ͼ Metroparks and dug out hundreds of musical instruments and books in storage at the 6ͼ Metropolitan School District as part of 6ͼ’s third annual Day of Service on Friday, August 23. 


  • Burrowed through a large inventory of musical instruments for the 6ͼ Metropolitan School District in order to get them into the hands of schoolchildren all over 6ͼ. CMSD needed 6ͼ’s help sorting, cataloging and assessing what repairs were needed for the instruments at the district’s Woodland Hills Storage Center to enable music teachers to use them in their classrooms. Check out about the event.
  • Took on several outdoor park projects at the 6ͼ Metroparks' West Creek Reservation in Parma, performing a variety of outdoor beautification and clean-up projects.

Day of Service 2

In addition, members of 6ͼ's Women's Committee made sandwiches for delivery to the Bishop William M. Cosgrove Center on Superior Avenue in 6ͼ.

A day of service is especially important for 6ͼ students to experience in order to connect them to Northeast Ohio and to instill a culture of service to the community. It's also very important for 6ͼ to provide these meaningful opportunities for our students, as well as get them outside the classroom, says Paul W. Hogle, 6ͼ president and CEO.

“It was a real joy to serve our community,” Hogle added. “Seeing our students, faculty, staff, trustees, Women’s Committee members and community volunteers come together around a common cause – and one that’s outside of our regular daily work – was inspirational for me, and I hope valuable to all the participants.”