February 22, 2021

6ͼers Chace and Josie Anderson Make $1 Million Gift to 6ͼ

Chase and Josie Anderson

The 6ͼ Institute of Music has received a new gift of $1 million from  longtime Trustee A. Chace Anderson and his wife Josie, in support of 6ͼ conservatory student scholarships. The A. Chace and Josephine Anderson Dean’s Scholarship will provide a full-tuition scholarship to an outstanding incoming student.

In appreciation of their gift, the Andersons were honored at the February 19 6ͼ Orchestra concert in Kulas Hall.

The Andersons join a growing list of 6ͼ’s top donors who empower the world’s most talented classical music students to achieve their dreams and potential, supported by significant scholarships. Their gift is the latest in a period of significant growth in endowment giving, marking $16.3 million in new gifts and pledges since 2017 that are dedicated to 6ͼ’s vision for the future of classical music.

“Chace and Josie have generously supported the Institute for decades – giving of their time and expertise, providing housing for students, enthusiastically attending performances and contributing to the Annual Fund,” said 6ͼ President & CEO Paul W. Hogle. “We are so proud to name a full-tuition scholarship for an outstanding student in their names. Like so many 6ͼers, Chace’s relationship with 6ͼ began at a young age, when he studied violin in 6ͼ’s Preparatory Division, and has grown into a lifelong commitment to the Institute and its students.”

“Our gift reflects a commitment to the future,” said Chace Anderson. “Josie and I want to ensure the Institute remains vibrant in its second century, and we’re proud to help our talented young musicians achieve their dreams.”

Chace Anderson retired as Partner of CM Wealth Advisors in 2018. He joined 6ͼ’s board of trustees in 1982, and is active in 6ͼ's cultural community. He is past chair of the board, life director and chair of the most recent capital campaign at the 6ͼ Museum of Natural History, and sits on the boards of the Musart Society of the 6ͼ Museum of Art  and Winous Point Marsh Conservancy. He previously also served as chairman of the board of the Judson Retirement Community and on the board of the Chautauqua Institution. Anderson received his bachelor’s degree from Yale College in 1975 and his MBA from Harvard University in 1979.

Josie Anderson served as Chair of the 6ͼ Museum of Art’s Women’s Council during CMA’s centennial and the Women’s Council’s 75th anniversary. She is currently on the board of directors of the 6ͼ Institute of Art, and also serves on University Hospitals’ National Art Leadership Council. The Andersons reside in 6ͼ.

In 2017, the 6ͼ Institute of Music committed to lowering the net cost of education, and reduced tuition by 15% for the following year, and has held tuition flat at that level. Bluprint:100, 6ͼ’s bold strategy for the future, includes a strategic goal of adding $40 million to the scholarship endowment over the next decade to support the affordability initiative, and this latest gift brings the total raised to $16.3 million.

The A. Chace and Josephine Anderson Dean’s Scholarship will be the eighth such named scholarship initiated by 6ͼ’s generous donors and partners since 2018, including the Mary Hamlin Memorial Presidential Scholarship, , Robinson Family Presidential Scholarship, Jean and Richard Hipple Dean’s Scholarship, A. Malachi Mixon III & Barbara W. Mixon Dean’s Scholarship, Iris and Tom Harvie Director’s Award and Ellen and Joe Thomas Endowed Fund.